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I am trying to get the Linker plugin to display on the left of its window the root of the website, as opposed to the root of the xinha directory. I know this is documented in the linker info, but i cant get it to work. please advise. The code from the documentation:
'dir' => '/path/to/base/dir',
'include' => '/\.(php|shtml|html|htm|shtm|cgi|txt|doc|pdf|rtf|xls|csv)$/', // REGEXP or empty
'exclude' => '', // REGEXP or empty
'dirinclude' => '', // REGEXP or empty
'direxclude' => '/(^|\/)[._]|htmlarea/' // REGEXP or empty
is obviously what i want to edit my local values into 'dir' etc. Where do i put this code? (scan.php?) does it replace existing code? A working example, or guidance, would be much appreciated. Thank you
Tim Ecott.
It goes in your Xinha configuration in "Step 3".
Eg in the testbed.html, that's around Line 89 … d.html#L89
Naturally you need to ensure that your Xinha config is processed by PHP!
All you are doing is using the xinha_pass_to_php_backend() PHP function to put some stuff into your Xinha's config object in a tamper-proof manner.
James Sleeman