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I don't really know about javascript.
I would like to transfert a php's variable (ex : $userID="130" ; }
wich is store in the same page/sheet as the page/sheet wich call Xinha
to the Extented file manager.
The reason is to show only files wich are owned by userID 130. I will be able to call a mysql query with this ID to compare file owner.
I think, the first way sould be to modify the link in the toolbar towards the Extented file manager.
But i don't know how.
Perhaps is there another way ?
Could someone help me ?
Xavier ( france )
I would just stick your user id in the PHP session, and then modify the PHP code in ExtendedFileManager to look for the user id there and ... do whatever it is you want to do with it.
Don't mess about trying to pass it on URLs and such, just use the PHP session.
James Sleeman
Thank you for the answer. That was a logical i was looking for !
But i still have a problem
$_session[$_request['backend_config_secret_key_location']] is empty if i call it from /plugins/extentedFileManager/classes/extentedFileManager.php or from
What and where should you modify sheet code to do so , for exemple
$_SESSION['id_user'] = $myvariable;
I try to put this code after the main page, " index.php " ( where appears Xinha.addOnloadHandler(xinha_init) )
and in /plugins/extentedFileManager/manager.php to retrieve data but it is blank
Thank You for the Help.
I found the answer
here :
I forgot session_start()
Thanks for all