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Xinha 0.96.1 Revision: 1263 IE 8
The target dropdown don't show at all.
I have set $IMConfig['link_enable_target'] = true; in /plugins/ExtendedFilemanager/
This is especially needed when linking to a .pdf file from an iframe and want the .pdf show up in a new _blank window rather than in the iframe.
I found the code below in manager.php and tried to alter the visibility style to visible or just delete the style but, no go.
<?php } else if($insertMode=="link" && $IMConfig['link_enable_target'] !== false) {?><label for="f_align" id="f_target_label">Target Window</label>
<select id="f_target" style="width:125px;">
<option value="">None (use implicit)</option>
<option value="_blank">New window (_blank)</option>
<option value="_self">Same frame (_self)</option>
<option value="_top">Top frame (_top)</option>
</select><br /><br />
<input type="text" name="f_other_target" id="f_other_target" style="visibility:hidden; width:120px;" />
<?php } ?>