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So I have installed this tool. It's great, but when I want to edit a text something happens with the underlying html-coding, which I desperately want to change. I can't find it though where to do that.
This is the issue.
I type House's. Than this is saved as a html-code: <html>House\'s</html> and this is displayed as House\'s. This also happens when entering url-links. I can't find where to change this.
Can someone please help me out?
Hi swvanderlaan,
Have you checked your "magic_quotes_gpc" variable in your php configuration ?
Is it "Off" ?
Euh, can't really change that though, wether it is on or off. So no, I haven't checked it. Not sure how to do, as I don't really have control of the server. I tell someone to put my site online and that's about it.
Can't I change it somewhere in the code of Xinha?
To know which value has your variable, type
echo get_magic_quotes_gpc();
in a php page.
If it's on, you have to put it off, well, contact your Administrator.
The other solution is :
// $your_variable is the variable which contains the html-code
Pages: 1