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I tried to use Xinha as editor in my ajax based project.
problem was that when I work with editor (type text, apply formats, inser image...) if i send form to backend script nothing arrives, but if i press htmlMode button before sending and press it again and go back to wysiwyg mode then data will send truely, i dont have any submit button with id 'submit' and i use 'Prototype' javaScript framework that collect my form fields in JSon format them sends that.
thank you
I suppose you try to get the HTML from the textarea, but it is not updated in real time. You can use this function to retrive the HTML directly from the Xinha object instead
or you can call the static function
save the contents of all Xinhas to their respective textareas programatically
Last edited by ray (2009-06-12 04:49:51)
oh very thanks,
it now works great!