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I love Xinha but have hit a bit of a stumbling block. I'm building a sorta of CMS type application that I'd like to leverage Xinha in. I'm loading in the configuration files etc upon first page load, but after that everything is driven off of Ajax, thus there onload event is not being called after the initial load. In my application I make Ajax calls and dynamically generate the textareas via divs and innerHTML. I'm struggling to figure out how I can force Xinha to load when I'm creating the textareas on the fly. Please help!
Really I think all I need to do is have a way that I invoke this manually Xinha.addOnloadHandler(xinha_init);
I tried just calling xinha_init(); but I get an error saying that it's not a function?
I don't think Xinha would be very suited to your application. Building up and tearing down xinha editors without page-reloads will be painful.
NB: You should use a javascript debugger to find why xinha_init is not defined. This is beyond the scope of Xinha, it is a problem in your application logic - if you don't know Javascript, you are in for a steep learning curve.
James Sleeman
Pages: 1