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#1 2008-01-25 10:11:59

Xinha Community Member
Registered: 2005-03-17
Posts: 12

Superclean/Unformat and cut-&-paste from MS Word, PDFs, and web pages

The one-stop-shopping approach of Superclean is fantastic for my users. But many of them also want the capability to remove all formatting like the font-faces and inline styles -- not all HTML, just all formatting, like that found in UnFormat (the red-tipped eraser).  The use case is always the same, they want to cut-&-paste copy from Word documents, PDF files, and other web pages, then be able to reformat it for the new context.  They don't want to obliterate the paragraph boundaries, like you get when UnFormat is run with the 'Remove all HTML' option is checked.

Superclean currently does this, except it does not remove embedded class=, style=, font tags, and other artifacts from the content's origin.  So currently, the 'importing' of text involves multiple steps:
1) Paste copy
2) Click on Superclean, check all boxes, then run it
3) Run UnFormat, check the 'all copy' box (not just the selected copy), make sure 'Remove formatting' is checked but not, 'Remove all HTML', then run

Ideally, I would like to shorten this process by one step, by adding another filter to Superclean, equivalent to the 'Remove Formatting' option in UnFormat.  Would this change benefit anyone else?


#2 2008-02-17 23:40:22

New member
Registered: 2008-01-21
Posts: 8

Re: Superclean/Unformat and cut-&-paste from MS Word, PDFs, and web pages

has this been implemented yet? cause it would be great....


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