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i turned my Xinha to another server and now i get a Javascript error: "System error: -1072896658"
I tried some things. So i upload a fresh xinha-installation on the server and tried the simple_example.html in des examples-folder. Hm... i get the same error. Is there a mysterious server-configuration that have to set? Its my own server with confixx, no shared hosting.
Thanks for your help
Description: On some Xinha installations, IE returns javascript error -1072896658 when inserting image using ImageManager plugin and changing default image size.
Reason: It is known IE error.
Fix: plugins\ImageManager\resizer.php plugins\ExtendedFileManager\resizer.php replace
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8');
Pages: 1