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I want to edit a file, which contains a PHP script. Xinha simply removes the PHP script.
In the inclusion, Xinha does not store the PHP content. If I switch from and to HTML mode, all the PHP script is lost.
In my situation I MUST have to allow PHP script inclusion/edition.
Do you have any ideas about how can I solve this situation?
I have these loaded plugins:
var xinha_plugins = [
// PHP dependant plugins
Best regards,
Guilherme Blanco
Last edited by Guilherme Blanco (2007-02-25 22:14:32)
If you use the config
xinha_config.getHtmlMethod = "TransformInnerHTML";
or else add GetHtml to your plugins, you can make Xinha leave PHP alone. The catch is, you can't open a script with <? or <?php, it has to be in standard script format, like JavaScript.
In other words, you have to open scripts with
<script language="PHP">
and close with </script>.
Thanks for the quick reply, mharrisonline!
I loaded the GetHtml without success. Then I tryed the getHtmlMethod and it worked.
I'll just generate a conversor to and for <script language="php">...</script> <=> <?php ... ?>, because the PHP script tag is deprecated and should not be used.
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