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#1 2007-02-07 07:32:43

New member
Registered: 2007-02-07
Posts: 2

Problem with ImageManager PlugIn

I am using PoMMo mailing-manager and would like to use the plugin. But the only thing I get is a pop-up with white backgroud, does anyone know wat I do wrong?

This is my Config.js:

    xinha_editors = null;
    xinha_init    = null;
    xinha_config  = null;
    xinha_plugins = null;

    xinha_init = xinha_init ? xinha_init : function()
      xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :
      if(!HTMLArea.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return;

      xinha_editors = xinha_editors ? xinha_editors :

      xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config() : new HTMLArea.Config();
             'images_dir' => '/var/www/vhosts/', 
             'images_url' => '/images'

      xinha_editors   = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);


    // moved to jQ Document.Ready call in mailings_send2.tpl 
    // window.onload = xinha_init;

This is my from ImageManager:

 * Image Manager configuration file.
 * @author $Author: Wei Zhuo $
 * @version $Id: 27 2004-04-01 08:31:57Z Wei Zhuo $
 * @package ImageManager
 * @todo change all these config values to defines()

// 2005-03-20 Yermo Lamers (
//    . unified backend.
// . created a set of defaults that make sense for bundling with Xinha.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Default backend URL
* URL to use for unified backend.
* The ?__plugin=ImageManager& is required. 

$IMConfig['backend_url'] = "backend.php?__plugin=ImageManager&";

* Backend Installation Directory
* location of backend install; these are used to link to css and js
* assets because we may have the front end installed in a different
* directory than the backend. (i.e. nothing assumes that the frontend
* and the backend are in the same directory)

$IMConfig['base_dir'] = getcwd();
$IMConfig['base_url'] = '';

// ------------------------------------------------------------

* Path to directory containing images.
* File system path to the directory you want to manage the images
* for multiple user systems, set it dynamically.
* NOTE: This directory requires write access by PHP. That is, 
* PHP must be able to create files in this directory.
* Able to create directories is nice, but not necessary.
* CHANGE THIS: for out-of-the-box demo purposes we're setting this to ./demo_images
* which has some graphics in it.

// $IMConfig['images_dir'] = "/some/path/to/images/directory;

$IMConfig['images_dir'] = "images";

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* URL of directory containing images.
* The URL to the above path, the web browser needs to be able to see it.
* It can be protected via .htaccess on apache or directory permissions on IIS,
* check you web server documentation for futher information on directory protection
* If this directory needs to be publicly accessiable, remove scripting capabilities
* for this directory (i.e. disable PHP, Perl, CGI). We only want to store assets
* in this directory and its subdirectories.
* CHANGE THIS: You need to change this to match the url where you have Xinha
* installed. If the images show up blank chances are this is not set correctly.

// $IMConfig['images_url'] = "/url/to/above";

// try to figure out the URL of the sample images directory. For your installation
// you will probably want to keep images in another directory.

$IMConfig['images_url'] = str_replace( "backend.php", "", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ) . "images";

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* PHP Safe Mode?
* Possible values: true, false
* TRUE - If PHP on the web server is in safe mode, set this to true.
* SAFE MODE restrictions: directory creation will not be possible,
* only the GD library can be used, other libraries require
* Safe Mode to be off.
* FALSE - Set to false if PHP on the web server is not in safe mode.

$IMConfig['safe_mode'] = false;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Image Library to use.
* Possible values: 'GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM'
* The image manipulation library to use, either GD or ImageMagick or NetPBM.
* If you have safe mode ON, or don't have the binaries to other packages, 
* your choice is 'GD' only. Other packages require Safe Mode to be off.
* DEFAULT: GD is probably the most likely to be available. 

$IMConfig['IMAGE_CLASS'] = 'GD';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* NetPBM or IM binary path.
* After defining which library to use, if it is NetPBM or IM, you need to
* specify where the binary for the selected library are. And of course
* your server and PHP must be able to execute them (i.e. safe mode is OFF).
* GD does not require the following definition.

$IMConfig['IMAGE_TRANSFORM_LIB_PATH'] ='/usr/bin/';

// For windows, something like
// C:/"Program Files"/ImageMagick-5.5.7-Q16/

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                OPTIONAL SETTINGS 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Thumbnail prefix
* The prefix for thumbnail files, something like .thumb will do. The
* thumbnails files will be named as "prefix_imagefile.ext", that is,
*  prefix + orginal filename.

$IMConfig['thumbnail_prefix'] = '.';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Thumbnail Directory
* Thumbnail can also be stored in a directory, this directory
* will be created by PHP. If PHP is in safe mode, this parameter
*  is ignored, you can not create directories. 
*  If you do not want to store thumbnails in a directory, set this
*  to false or empty string '';

$IMConfig['thumbnail_dir'] = '.thumbs';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Resized prefix
* The prefix for resized files, something like .resized will do.  The
* resized files will be named <prefix>_<width>x<height>_<original>
* resized files are created when one changes the dimensions of an image
* in the image manager selection dialog - the image is scaled when the
* user clicks the ok button.

$IMConfig['resized_prefix'] = '.resized';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Resized Directory
* Resized images may also be stored in a directory, except in safe mode.

$IMConfig['resized_dir'] = '.resized';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Allow New Directories
* Possible values: true, false
* TRUE -  Allow the user to create new sub-directories in the
*        $IMConfig['base_dir'].
* FALSE - No directory creation.
* NOTE: If $IMConfig['safe_mode'] = true, this parameter
*     is ignored, you can not create directories
* DEFAULT: for demo purposes we turn this off.

$IMConfig['allow_new_dir'] = true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Allow Uploads
*  Possible values: true, false
*  TRUE - Allow the user to upload files.
*  FALSE - No uploading allowed.
* DEFAULT: for demo purposes we turn this off.

$IMConfig['allow_upload'] = true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Validate Images
* Possible values: true, false
* TRUE - If set to true, uploaded files will be validated based on the 
*        function getImageSize, if we can get the image dimensions then 
*        I guess this should be a valid image. Otherwise the file will be rejected.
* FALSE - All uploaded files will be processed.
* NOTE: If uploading is not allowed, this parameter is ignored.

$IMConfig['validate_images'] = true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Default Thumnail.
* The default thumbnail if the thumbnails can not be created, either
* due to error or bad image file.

$IMConfig['default_thumbnail'] = 'img/default.gif';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

*  Thumbnail dimensions.

$IMConfig['thumbnail_width'] = 96;
$IMConfig['thumbnail_height'] = 96;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Editor Temporary File Prefix.
* Image Editor temporary filename prefix.

$IMConfig['tmp_prefix'] = '.editor_';

$IMConfig['ViewMode'] = 'thumbs';

//       ================== END OF CONFIGURATION =======================      //

// Standard PHP Backend Data Passing
//  if data was passed using xinha_pass_to_php_backend() we merge the items
//  provided into the Config
require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../contrib/php-xinha.php'));
if($passed_data = xinha_read_passed_data())
  $IMConfig = array_merge($IMConfig, $passed_data);
  $IMConfig['backend_url'] .= xinha_passed_data_querystring() . '&';
// Deprecated config passing, don't use this way any more!
  if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $_REQUEST['backend_config'] = stripslashes($_REQUEST['backend_config']);
  // Config specified from front end, check that it's valid
  $secret = $_SESSION[$_REQUEST['backend_config_secret_key_location']];

  if($_REQUEST['backend_config_hash'] !== sha1($_REQUEST['backend_config'] . $secret))
    die("Backend security error.");

  $to_merge = unserialize($_REQUEST['backend_config']);
    die("Backend config syntax error.");

  $IMConfig = array_merge($IMConfig, $to_merge);
  $IMConfig['backend_url'] .= "backend_config=" . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['backend_config']) . '&';
  $IMConfig['backend_url'] .= "backend_config_hash=" . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['backend_config_hash']) . '&';
  $IMConfig['backend_url'] .= "backend_config_secret_key_location=" . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['backend_config_secret_key_location']) . '&';


define('IMAGE_CLASS', $IMConfig['IMAGE_CLASS']);
define( "IM_CONFIG_LOADED", "yes" );

// bring in the debugging library

include_once( "ddt.php" );

// uncomment to send debug messages to a local file
// _setDebugLog( "/tmp/debug_log.txt" );

// turn debugging on everywhere.
// _ddtOn();

// END


Thanks everyone!

Last edited by Netherlands (2007-02-07 07:52:33)


#2 2007-02-07 10:59:06

Xinha Administrator
From: Germany
Registered: 2005-03-23
Posts: 521

Re: Problem with ImageManager PlugIn

Try replacing all files in plugins/ImageManager/Classes/ with the ones from the nightly.


#3 2007-02-08 05:00:18

New member
Registered: 2007-02-07
Posts: 2

Re: Problem with ImageManager PlugIn

ray wrote:

Try replacing all files in plugins/ImageManager/Classes/ with the ones from the nightly.

Thanks for the reply, but that hasn't fixed the problem because those files are already in the newest files from Xinha..


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