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hello, i am trying to implement Xinha to my custom-build CMS which is allocated on a central server.
but now, i want to (only!) have ExtendedFileManager on a remote server, so i don't have problems with writing permissions of images and files.
How to accomplish this?
Can someone please help me?
I get several Javascript-errors, which make me think that an external server has no access to window.opener (=my central CMS). Is that true or is it maybe something else?
This could be related to this: Same Origin Policy
Yes, that's probably why it won't work. I have tried your standaloneEFM, but it can't use it with other Xinha popups (plugins) at the same time, because they use the same variable names and function names.
Do you have any advice for me? I think of all Xinha located on remote server and then load it into my CMS.
You're right, Xinha does something, but with errors.
How do you (and others) handle this problem in your CMS? I don't want users to see each others images and i too want to have them stored locally on their own domain. So my only options is to make a copy via ftp (php) to their own domain.
Last edited by jelmer (2007-01-13 15:15:48)
I'm afraid that trying to setting up Xinha to behave like you want it is not the best (if posiible at all) solution and you should try to look for a lower-level solution so that Xinha does run on the same server as the images accessed by it.
You could e.g. store the images on the 'CMS server' and, after editing (or periodically) synchronize resources folder with another 'website server'.
So you would have to mirror images folder to remote server, there are various methods of doing this depending on your environment, try looking for rsync on wikipedia for more info.
If the 'cms server' and 'website server' are just different domains/accounts all running from the same server (e.g. and all residing on the same filesystem) you could instruct the web server to serve the image files from a different place in a filesystem e.g.
/home/www-example-com/public_html => images/home/cms-example-com/public_html/images
There are various ways to do that e.g. mod_rewrite in Apache, UNIX symbolic links.