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Hy There,
I want the content in the Xinha editor to look just like it's going to be on the website.
I tried using
xinha_config.pageStyleSheet = [''];
but that didn't work at all.
So I used only some styles in:
xinha_config.pageStyle = 'body {font:76% tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; color:#303030; background:#F4EDAD;} h3{margin:20px 0 10px 0; font-size:1.4em; font-weight:normal;}';
Now the background color, font and H3 heading work fine. But the result isn't what I expected. I want the whole editor to have the same background color. Now only the background of text in the editor has the specified color, the rest is still white. A screen shot might help:
Let me know if this is at all posible. I'm running a version that is at least a few months old, but I'm not sure if an update would help.
This is it:
Hey Ray,
Many thanks. I'm going to test it as soon as some fixes our webserver I hope that will be in the next few hours.