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Hi group,
So far Xinha has been great for me (I'm just using it since a couple of weeks).
However, I'm doing a very easy site/cms for a friend who is a real no-no as far as computers/internet etc. go. So if I put the default Xinha editor in his cms he'd freak and mess up the whole pages I'm sure.
Maybe there is an easy way to strip out complete toolbars in Xinha? I'm unable to find out how anyway.
Basically all I need for this project are:
- bold, italic, underline, lists (ol/ul etc.) links and perhaps images..
- copy/paste etc.
And that is it. No tables, no formatting with fonts etc, no nothing.
Possible? (And without too much editing of source files)
Thank you! Have a good weekend,
Hi Rolf!
You can easily customize your toolbar.
Just define the toolbar variable inside your configuration file and edit the array to suit your needs (STEP 3 in the Newbie Guide).
xinha_config.toolbar =
["separator","undo","redo","selectall","print"], (HTMLArea.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite","saveas"]),
["separator","killword","clearfonts","removeformat","toggleborders","splitblock","lefttoright", "righttoleft"],