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Hello Folks.
The Linker plugin will solve all of my problems if I can get it to work correctly!! I'm getting the following error:
Stack overflow at line: 0 .
This only happens when I try to scan a specific directory like so on my scan.php file:
$dir = "/home/jivedc/public_html/fileuploads/";
$include = '/\.(php|shtml|html|htm|shtm|cgi|txt|doc|pdf|rtf|xls|csv)$/';
$exclude = '';
$dirinclude = '';
$direxclude = '/(^|\/)[._]|htmlarea/'; // Exclude the htmlarea tree by default
The following code however does work:
$dir = "/home/jivedc/public_html/";
$include = '/\.(php|shtml|html|htm|shtm|cgi|txt|doc|pdf|rtf|xls|csv)$/';
$exclude = '';
$dirinclude = '';
$direxclude = '/(^|\/)[._]|htmlarea/'; // Exclude the htmlarea tree by default
I havn't a clue what a stack error is... I suppose I can give the users root access if I really have to, but I would rather avoid this.
Any ideas? -- Also why does it limit me to only certain directories?
Last edited by jive (2006-01-21 19:08:03)
yup, you're right. scan.php will not display a folder if there are no files inside. This plugin has alot of potential combined with a file upload script. It does everything I need it to do.
Ecco, can you make your plugin available?
Well it's nothing fancy. It accepts a bunch of media-files which it verifies using the php-function getimagesize()
and the getID3-library, and then copies to /files.
Source and gif are here :
Just press the button "Nieuw bericht" to see a working example. It's the last button, you can't miss it
hmm, I'm having the same problem making the linker plugin refresh or reload the plugin. would work out perfectly if this could be figured out...
Pages: 1