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I have uncommented the last line in this block of code from testbed.html as I gradually learn how to use Xinha:
xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config : new HTMLArea.Config();
// We can load an external stylesheet like this - NOTE : YOU MUST GIVE AN ABSOLUTE URL
// otherwise it won't work!
// xinha_config.stylistLoadStylesheet(document.location.href.replace(/[^\/]*\.html/, 'stylist.css'));
// Or we can load styles directly
xinha_config.stylistLoadStyles('h1 { font:Arial }');
testbed.html stops working and I get the following message in firefox javascript console:
"xinha-config.stylistLoadStyles is not a function"
Sure enough, when I do a global search for a function stylistLoadStyles in all Xinha files, I find only "HTMLArea.Config.prototype.stylistLoadStyles" in stylelist.js - which does not appear to be what we are calling in the lines above.
I have no idea where to start debugging this, can anyone offer a clue? Thanks.