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Not the most descriptive title, but it's hard to sum up in a simple title
Basically, I've noticed a problem with having a block element such as a div as the last code in your editor, that you can't get outside that div by pressing down/right with the cursor keys.
e.g. your textarea contains
He said: <div class="quote">Newcastle are the best team in the world</div>
When writing in the Xinha editor, you can't get outside that div to write more text after it. I've tried adding <p> </p> after it, thinking the space might provide something for the cursor to jump to, but with no luck.
I have a feeling this has been discussed before, if not here then back at the htmlarea forums, but can't remember if there was a solution. Anyone know of a fix?
Found that adding a <br /> after the element does the job, but still not ideal.
I did the same thing and havent really found any problems with it as most of the time the user wants to get out only when adding something else.
Pages: 1