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#1 2005-04-08 06:37:58

New member
Registered: 2005-03-21
Posts: 3

How to remove the baseURL...

I had this problem in IE with the baseURL being attached to any link I made not containing http://
So when I created any link IE prepended http://localhost/ to it (as long as http:// wasn't in). This, obviously, is a test on my localhost but the problem also occurred on the online domain.

Now I found a part in the code that handles this (HTMLArea.prototype.stripBaseURL) but it was not functional the way I expected it.

After putting in some alert statements I found out why the url was not transformed because alert(string.replace(basere, "")); returned "http://null/index.php" rather then the displayed "http://localhost/index.php" in the textarea. Well it may be obvious that after finding the problem I took the path of the least resistance and changed the basere variable to "http://null/" which indeed fixed the entire problem.

I do not know why this problem occurs at all as the comments suggest this code is meant to fix the problem allready so that's why I am asking if someone can explain this to me. So this is not a bug report yet; I'll add that if people here can confirm this is in fact a bug and not something wrong on my side. The changed version of the disfunctional function is added below.

Anybody?? tongue

HTMLArea.prototype.stripBaseURL = function(string) {
  var baseurl = this.config.baseURL;

  // strip to last directory in case baseurl points to a file
  baseurl = baseurl.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '');
  var basere = new RegExp(baseurl);
  string = string.replace(basere, "");

  // strip host-part of URL which is added by MSIE to links relative to server root
  baseurl = baseurl.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/, '$1');
  basere = new RegExp(baseurl);
  basere = 'http://null/';
  return string.replace(basere, "");


#2 2005-04-13 00:38:04

New member
Registered: 2005-03-21
Posts: 3

Re: How to remove the baseURL...


I take it nobody ever noticed this, nobody knows anything about this and it is just me roll


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