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Today I was surprised to find that our Xinha System was "dead"; the textarea lacked all buttons, in fact it was a mere HTML textarea.
I launched the Firefox error console and find this strange error: "sh: java: not found".
Then I checked the Xinha directory on our Ubuntu server and found thar most important .js and .css files had been replaced by a 131 byte file containing exactly that fake message: "sh: java: not found". The name of the file was preserved.
Luckily I had a backup and could restore all the file missing. Now Xinha seems to work properly again.
But the questione remains: what the hell did happen this morning? Was a hacker attack? Was a virus or worm or something or the like?
Or a Xinha bug?
Did anyone experience such a problem?
Is there a preventive method?
Paolo Bonavoglia
This issue was identified and protected against 1 year ago in
The source of this is...
you should delete these files (or add a .htaccess etc, see the ticket and revision)
James Sleeman
Thanks a lot.
I followed your advice, and now 30 hours after a second attack, Xinha is functioning properly.
I understand it was a Xinha vulnerability and a hacker attack using it.
Hope there are no other vulnerability dangerous like this.
Paolo Bonavoglia