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#1 2006-01-02 09:52:22

New member
Registered: 2006-01-02
Posts: 1

InsertWords - how to correctly config ??

I'm currently working on integrating Xinha into the Joomla! CMS as it is the best editor option currently out there (IMHO).

Things work fine, except for the InsertWord plugin where I can not figure out the mistake.

Here is my question:

Although following the usage recommendations for the InsertWord plugin, the dropdown list does not show in the toolbar.

Heres the code I'm using:

    var xinha_editor2_keywords = new Object();
    xinha_editor2_keywords['--- Keywords ---']='';

            Xinha_editor2.config.InsertWords = {
                combos: [ { options: xinha_editor2_keywords, context: "body" } ]

Any suggestions what might be wrong with me, my understanding or the code ?

Thanks !


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