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Hello !
In my page, I've got a DIV which isn't displayed (display:none) and is completly empty. That DIV is set at "display:block" when I call an Ajax function, and this function also puts some html inside that DIV (for information, i'm using that DIV as a fullpage "pop up" when it's called through AJAX because I don't wan't to use pop up windows with the method)
So, my DIV is set at "display:block" when I call my Ajax function, and this function also puts dynamically a form (with a textarea) within the DIV. Of course, my page (its headers) hasn't been reloaded because of Ajax.
It means that Xinha didn't initialize my textarea since it didn't exist at the moment the page was loaded and before I call my Ajax function.
So how can I do to initialize Xinha for that textarea which "just appears" in my page ???
I hope my explanation is clear enough, sorry for my english ;-)
Thanks a lot for your help !