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for a start, hi everyone! just discovered xinha afew days ago while looking for a desperatly
needed replacement for htmlarea (my company is currently using htmlarea as a webmail
frontend). most of the bugs we had to fix in htmlarea are already fixed in xinha, but one
issue remains and i'm unable to locate the cause of it, maye you can give me a hint.
an empty table cell (which has a background color and serves formatting purposes), like
<td height="1" bgcolor="#999999"></td>
is converted to
<td height="1" bgcolor="#999999"><br /></td>
as soon as xinha opens the document (in firefox 1.0.6) or
as soon as i make any adjustment in the editor (in ie6 on w2k3)
is that behaviour caused by xinha or by the browsers? maybe you could point me to
a specific function in the source where to look for it.
much appreciated, thank you