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#1 2009-11-11 06:15:32

New member
Registered: 2009-11-11
Posts: 1

Image/File Manager file lists

Is it possible with Xinha to have a custom PHP script generate the list of files the the file or image managers will show? Ie not have them scan a server directory, but write my own code to make the list (it might limit the files presented based on access rights, or it might generate URLs which will pull images out of a database rather than from the filesystem).


#2 2009-11-11 10:27:10

Xinha Leader
From: New Zealand
Registered: 2005-02-11
Posts: 1,015

Re: Image/File Manager file lists

Yes, more or less.

In the latest trunk, examine the ImageManager plugin, you will see it handling YouTube and Flickr, look at how it handles YouTube for example.

Alternatively, you could just create a simpler plugin.  Look at how the current InsertSmiley plugin works, it's very very simple for a plugin which inserts images.

James Sleeman


#3 2009-11-11 10:27:37

Xinha Leader
From: New Zealand
Registered: 2005-02-11
Posts: 1,015

Re: Image/File Manager file lists

Make sure you look at the latest trunk (SVN) for both those suggestions.

James Sleeman


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