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I downloaded the nightly package and CVS my own local setup with the changes, the ContextMenu JS file was updated last night, so I expected this to be updated in the nightly package. However it wasnt, I needed to browse the source and get the latest version from there aswell.
Is it different timesones which makes this an issue, or is it that the nightly package is only a "full commit"?
Maby Im abit to quick to update, and cant thrust the nightly one, hehe.
i don't know exactly when the nightly is build... but imho it is much much easier to use svn (not cvs )
just a simple "svn up" and you are up to date
- goting to xinha-website
- navigating to download-seite
- downloading the whole package (not only the changes as svn up does)
- saveing it somewhere
- unpacking it
- moving it to the right position
(of course it is not that hard work )
Well, I did try the svn, but I didnt figure it out...
Im using Tortoise CVS on my working machine, and I tried several ways on connecting to the repository without any success, I also tried following the instructions on the WIKI pages here, but as said didnt get it to work.
However Im quite used to doing it the old fashioned way, hehe. WinMerge has also gotten a nice option now, compare entire directory structures. So its quite fast updating my version with the latest build from you, download unzip and rightclick on two folders, compare.
But I see your point. If Ill later feel the urge on learning this svn Ill ask you again, Untill then Ill stick with my old fashioned method, which I atleast get to work.
Offline muste use TortoiseSVN not TortoiseCVS!
these are two completely different applications! svn has nothing to do with cvs!
...and yes... that makes it even more complicated if you have changes in your local version and have to move them into the new downloaded version