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Hello Everyone,
When i copy any content from microsoft Word and paste it in Xinha, sometimes, it inserts tags in HTML like below
<state /><place />New York</place /></state />
I am using the _clearFonts method to remove these tags and this is my expression
D = D.replace(/<state \/> <\/state\/><state \/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<\/state \/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<state>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<\/state\/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<place \/> <\/place\/><place \/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<\/place\/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<\/place \/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<\/place\/>/g, "");
D = D.replace(/<place>/g,"");
As u can see, I am trying all the combinations. this works properly in Firefox but in IE, it formats and shows me this when I click "view html code"
New York</place /></state />
Can you tell me if I am making a mistake with my regular expression or what can go wrong?
Thanks in advance,