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I had it right with the default version (094) but trying to fix another problem, I switched to a newer version where things do work better. However, I can't get the linker path to work at all. Below does work and shows the directory xinha is in but I need it to show one directory above that. Using either of the 2 $dir works. I did try adding one more /.. to the second to take it up a directory but I get an error message instead.
So how to access this when this is true:
httpdocs(root) /admin/xinha
httpdocs /data is the directory I want it show.
$dir = "/srv/www/vhosts/";
//$dir = dirname(__FILE__)."/../../..";
// (or relative url, or semi absolute)
$url = '';
$include = '/\.(shtml|html|htm|shtm|cgi|txt|doc|pdf|rtf|xls|csv)$/';
$exclude = '/\.(php)$/';
$dirinclude = '';
$direxclude = '/(^|\/)[._]|xinha/'; // Exclude the htmlarea tree by default
// New backend config data passing
// if data was passed using xinha_pass_to_backend() we extract and use it
// as the items above
require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../contrib/php-xinha.php'));
Pages: 1