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bit of a weird issue this - got some content that is really badly marked up - it has a div inside a span (which I know is bad, and not XHTML 1.0 valid) and when switching to HTML source view in IE6 it moves the entire contents of the span to the end of the document.
tried this on … ample.html and I can repeat it there too so I know it's not a change I've made to Xinha that is causing it.
the content that is breaking it is:
<p class="text_align_center"><span>
<div class="placeholder" rel="snippet" id="snippet_0">Placeholder<!-- rel:snippet --></div>Proin quam. Nam <strong>nec</strong> nisi et velit<em>auctor</em> euismod. Proin <span class="underline_text">fringilla</span> sem quis velit. Class </span><span class="superscript_text">aptent</span> praesent sem eros, feugiat eget.</p>
I've highlighted in bold the bit that get's moved. Any idea why it happens in IE6 and not firefox? and why it only happens when switching to html view?
David G. Paul