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I feel like sharing a web site I built a while ago for a community organization, for which Xinha was extremely useful. The original content that I did is absolutely nothing like what they have in there now. My original content was very bland and boring, with about two images total, and a lot of big walls of text.
The idea was to give them an admin system through which they could play with the site themselves. Wisely, I chose Xinha as the HTML editor, I hooked up Stylist, some special CSS classes and the advanced images plugin, then set them loose! With it, they have created some awesome stuff
I never thought I would have a feeling other than dread (I was using PHP when I built that site, which is rarely a nice language to begin with -- knowing the internals, I'm expecting that site to implode at any minute), checking my various web sites, but that one always fills me with excitement as I wonder what they have done with it.
So, I guess the point of this is just a little testimonial. Xinha has been a fantastic tool for me. They figured out the entire thing themselves, and have created content far prettier than I anticipated. I have never seen software like this give such immediately positive results.
Thanks for that nice logo, by the way. Without it, I might have skimmed over the whole thing and gone for a boring plain text editor
Last edited by Mr. Picklesworth (2007-10-19 20:52:02)