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#1 2007-07-19 16:36:43

New member
From: Columbia, MO. USA
Registered: 2007-07-19
Posts: 2

Xinha fails to complete or crashes browser when 'Equation' plugin used

Xinha revision: both 0.931 and the nightly from 20070717.
Javascript error: XinhaCore.js (line 5387), el has no properties

Remove 'Equation' and all seems well! Firefox safe mode does not help. Changing from a Windows to a Linux Apache server does not help.  IE 7.0.5730.11 displaysthe editor bars and allows a little typing in the text area, then crashes.

Firebug console traceback for Firefox follows...

XinhaCore.js (line 5387)
el has no properties
_prepareForDom0Events(null, "submit")XinhaCore.js (line 5387)
prependDom0Event(null, "submit", function())XinhaCore.js (line 5374)
Equation(Object config=Object _textArea=textarea#test1)equation.js (line 58)
registerPlugin2(Equation(editor), [])XinhaCore.js (line 3239)
registerPlugin()XinhaCore.js (line 3219)
registerPlugins(["CharacterMap", "Equation"])XinhaCore.js (line 6442)
makeEditors(["test1"], Object version=860 width=auto height=auto, ["CharacterMap", "Equation"])XinhaCore.js (line 6409)
xinha_init()my_config.js (line 76)
(no name)()XinhaCore.js (line 3383)
[Break on this error] if ( typeof el._xinha_dom0Events == 'undefined' )

// Here's my_config.js file, not much modified from the Newbie template...

// Currently, specifying plugin 'Equation' causes an error:
// XinhaCore.js (line 5387) el has no properties

xinha_editors = null;
xinha_init    = null;
xinha_config  = null;
xinha_plugins = null;

// This contains the names of textareas we will make into Xinha editors
xinha_init = xinha_init ? xinha_init : function()
  /** STEP 1 ***************************************************************
   * First, what are the plugins you will be using in the editors on this
   * page.  List all the plugins you will need, even if not all the editors
   * will use all the plugins.
   * The list of plugins below is a good starting point, but if you prefer
   * a must simpler editor to start with then you can use the following
   * xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins : [ ];
   * which will load no extra plugins at all.

  xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :
         if(!Xinha.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return;

  /** STEP 2 ***************************************************************
   * Now, what are the names of the textareas you will be turning into
   * editors?

  xinha_editors = xinha_editors ? xinha_editors :

  /** STEP 3 ***************************************************************
   * We create a default configuration to be used by all the editors.
   * If you wish to configure some of the editors differently this will be
   * done in step 5.
   * If you want to modify the default config you might do something like this.
   *   xinha_config = new Xinha.Config();
   *   xinha_config.width  = '640px';
   *   xinha_config.height = '420px';

   xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config() : new Xinha.Config();
   // xinha_config.browserQuirksMode = false; // by GJ

  /** STEP 4 ***************************************************************
   * We first create editors for the textareas.
   * You can do this in two ways, either
   *   xinha_editors   = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);
   * if you want all the editor objects to use the same set of plugins, OR;
   *   xinha_editors = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config);
   *   xinha_editors['myTextArea'].registerPlugins(['Stylist','FullScreen']);
   *   xinha_editors['anotherOne'].registerPlugins(['CSS','SuperClean']);
   * if you want to use a different set of plugins for one or more of the
   * editors.

  xinha_editors   = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);

  /** STEP 5 ***************************************************************
   * If you want to change the configuration variables of any of the
   * editors,  this is the place to do that, for example you might want to
   * change the width and height of one of the editors, like this...
   *   xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.width  = '640px';
   *   xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.height = '480px';

  /** STEP 6 ***************************************************************
   * Finally we "start" the editors, this turns the textareas into
   * Xinha editors.


Xinha._addEvent(window,'load', xinha_init);
// this executes the xinha_init function on page loada and
// does not interfere with window.onload properties set by other scripts


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