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I just upgraded to 0.931 and everything went pretty smoothly except for one major glitch…
The style/theme has totally broken!
I have the exact same code on my page that I did before:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
But, now when the editor loads, it looks like this:
Any ideas why this is happening?
Thanks in advance for your help! It is greatly appreciated.
Just to confirm...
The style sheet is pointing at the correct URL.
If I type that URL directly into my browser, I can see all the styles.
That was the first thing I checked, since I'm prone to stupid silly errors. ;-)
The mechanism for invoking style sheets and skins changed. See
Thanks for replying wymsy!
Upgrading to the latest version has been one giant headache. I can’t believe how many thing stopped working.
In the header of my page I now have this:
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "";
_editor_lang = "en";
_editor_skin = "xp-blue";
I read in the bug thread that there is another variable:
_editor_css = "xp-blue";
I can’t figure out how or where I’m supposed to use this? When I put it in place along with the other variables above, things got really messed up.
Maybe this is an obvious answer and I’m just so frustrated that I’m not seeing it.
Any feedback is very much appreciated!
If you are using the standard Xinha.css style sheet, you can actually omit all references to style sheets in your configuration and XinhaCore.js will just go find it. If you have your own style sheet, you use
_editor_css = "myStyles.css"
(with path if necessary). In either case, you don't need a <link> tag any more.
We really need to update the documentation on this....
Some documentation would be nice. Does the new method allow the user to switch editor menu styles using the browser - like in Firefox with View/PageStyle? Using LINK in the page header you can add alternative stylesheets there - but in version .931 they seem to be ignored by XINHA.
Sorry for the lack of documentation; I invite everyone to submit any type of knowledge they are having
Your issue has been fixed in revision 878; see ticket 1026
Thanks for your reply. I saw that ticket. I'm not sure what the new equivalent to the LINK statement is. I understand that XINHA doesn't need the paths to its alternate style sheets and that you can specify which one you want like this
_editor_css = "xp-blue.css"
but what I don't see is how the user can switch between alternates using the browser menu. It is important to let the user choose in my opinion. If the browser option isn't available is there a plugin to allow user-driven style switching?
Brilliant. Thanks ray. I will try it tonight.
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